Monday 16 May 2016

The Brother's coming

I'm excited about July.  The Brother is coming, along with #1 daughter.  That has several implications for us here in The Liberties.

Naturally enough, it means getting supplies in.  Lots of supplies.  He is a creature of habit, The Brother, and has been known to be fond of the local produce when he is 'back home'.  So there might be the odd cooked breakfast or three.  Apparently you can't get decent bacon in the mid-west of the United States of America.  That I doubt, but I daresay it's different to what we get here.  And so I indulge him.  It won't be the Traditional Ulster Fry, more the Contemporary Ulster Grill, as a nod to political correctness (and health).

The Brother in 2014.  I lithed him on Fomatone MG131.  This one's for the wall.

As for the #1 daughter, I'm not sure what she needs, although I suspect she will be a little less fussy than her old man.  We'll see.

#1 Daughter, not posing at all in the West Chicago 'burbs.
I'm hugely looking forward to them coming over.  There's only the two of us boys, you see and we don't get to see each other often enough.  So it will be great to spend some quality time with him.  The highlight of the visit will be an overnight in Rathlin Island, although he doesn't know it yet.  Unless he's reading this blog, of course, which I doubt.

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